Grip on Grass

Grip on Grass processes registered grass height and grass yield in Feedwedge and Mowing window. The Feedwedge presents actual dry matter yield from fields used for grazing versus dry matter yield required for grazing. In the Mowing window actual dry matter yield and expected dm growth are plotted against target dry matter yield to plan the right moment for cutting.

Grip on Grass

Wageningen Livestock Research (WUR)

Contact: Marcia Stienezen



Link to appstore:

Price: free

Grip on grass processes registered grass height and dry matter yield in Feedwedge and Mow Window. Grass height and dry matter yield can be registered manually in Grip on Grass. Dry matter yield can be registered in kg dm/ha. Grass height can be registered in clicks and cm. For specific rising plate meters such as TES, Eijkelkamp and the manual version of Jenquip, a specific registration form is available.

Registered grass height is transferred to dry matter yield in kg dm/ha. Default values in the formulas can be adjusted.

The Feedwedge plots actual dry matter yield from the fields selected for grazing, against required dry matter yield for grazing. Parameters as realised grass growth and expected grass growth are presented. Also rotation length and required dry matter yield as well as available dry matter are presented.

In the Mowing window actual dry matter yield and expected dm growth are plotted against target dry matter yield to plan the right moment for cutting.

Both graphs can be adjusted to fit on-farm management. Grip on Grass provides the functionality to select fields for use in the Feedwedge or Mow window during the grazing season. Fields can easily be exchanged between Feedwedge and Mow window so effect on grass availability for grazing is directly visible.

Instructional videos show how to work with Grip on grass. Links to information explaining how to work with the Feedwedge is also available.

Grip on Grass at Farmmaps is integrated with the Grassland Calendar and GrassSignal. Grass height and dry matter yield can also be registered in the Grassland Calendar. Registered grass height are used in GrassSignal to adjust the grass growth model. When GrassSignal is added to the account in Farmmaps, the in GrassSignal calculated grass growth is used in Grip on Grass.

From left to right: (1) measurement overview, (2) Feed wedge en (3) Mow window