KPI (Critical Performance Indicators)

Farm and public data can be used to calculate performance indicators of fields, crops and farms. This apps contains algorithms for calculating such indicators on nutrient surpluses, pesticide use, diversity and soil organic matter. 7 KPI’s are available.  Reference is Biodiversiteitsmonitor Akkerbouw.


Wageningen Plant Research (WUR)

Contact: Fedde Sijbrandij



Link to appstore:

Price: Free

The basis for the KPIs is the currently published calculation rules for calculating KPIs in the Arable Farming Biodiversity Monitor. These are key figures about yields per crop, nitrogen and other nutrient surpluses, crop protection product use, crop diversity, organic matter supply and more.

We show the key figures/KPIs per farm based on the data in the farmmaps user's account, whether or not linked to the crop registration packages from Dacom or AgroVision. We benchmark the results per crop, plot and company with averages from the region. This gives the user the opportunity to see where he or she stands with regard to environmental performance in relation to limit values, target values ​​and colleagues.

Below are key figures/KPIs of the Farm of the Future in Lelystad for the 2022 season at farm and crop level.